Am I A Good Candidate For Dental Implants?

Are you exploring your tooth replacement options and considering implants? Cedar Avenue Family Dentistry in Flagstaff is your best source to learn if these artificial teeth are the right solution for you.

Here are a few things our Flagstaff dentists looks for to determine if you’re a good candidate for dental implants: 

1. Jawbone Health 

Dental implants need a healthy jawbone with enough mass to support the implant. The metal post acts as the artificial tooth’s root and is inserted directly into your bone.

If you don’t have enough bone mass, the metal post might not fit. You may still be able to get a mini implant, which comes with a much smaller post.

However, if the bone isn’t healthy, it could lead to implant failure. In order to remain effective and functional, the bone must fuse to the metal post to keep it in place and stable enough to support the abutment and dental crown.

2. Gum Tissue

Like healthy bone, dental implants also need healthy gums; otherwise, this tissue might not fuse to the metal post. Dealing with gum disease also increases the risk of peri-implantitis, a condition that can lead to implant failure.

3. Oral Health Damage

The presence of other oral health problems may also prevent you from getting implants, at least until you access the appropriate treatment. This can be true for gum disease, for instance.

Additionally, patients with severe dental damage might be better suited for other types of dental implants, such as implant-supported dentures.

4. Titanium Allergy

The dental implant root is made from titanium, which is a type of material that most people tolerate well. Unfortunately, if you’re unlucky enough to have a titanium allergy, dental implants are not a suitable solution for you since your body will likely reject the metal post.

However, if this is the case, your dentist will  recommend a more appropriate tooth replacement alternative.

 5. Pre-existing Conditions or Medical Treatments

Some diseases or medical treatments can make the implant surgery more risky or affect how the body can heal around the implant. This can be the case for people with diabetes, cancer, and patients undergoing chemotherapy to treat cancer.

What Happens If I’m Not a Good Candidate for Implants?

You may be able to get additional treatments to address one of the above issues. For example, if you have jawbone issues, a bone graft surgery may help you still get dental implants.

If this isn’t possible, several other great tooth replacement procedures can help you restore your smile and your oral health, such as dental bridges or dentures.

Discover Your Options at Cedar Avenue Family Dentistry. 

Dr. Madison Kurz and Dr. Kevin Chittenden can help you find out if dental implants are right for you or unlock another way to get a picture-perfect and healthy smile.

Request a visit to Cedar Avenue Family Dentistry online and stop by to learn more.

Contact us today if you need more information.

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